In March 2024, Georgia Tech announced its first 70 Women in Tech recipients. These are graduates who have forged paths in their respective fields since leaving tech. Today, we are announcing our first recipients of Women in Tech Area: Women Who Have Made an Impact on Campus. Each of their contributions is unique and important, and they lay the groundwork for the larger story of women at Tech since its founding in 1888, when women were not allowed to participate. To the women’s social advancement movement of the 1940s. Awarded to the first two female graduates in 1956. The fight to admit women to all tech majors in the 1960s. It broke even more barriers in the 1970s and ’80s. And to this day. It includes stories of many “firsts” for women on campus and significant accomplishments in academics, athletics, student government, and more. This includes recognition of female academics and administrators who have worked to advance the status of women in the tech industry, as well as inspiring stories of the struggles female students have overcome.
Today, we announce the names of historic women in tech honorees.