PRESQUE ISLE, Maine (WAGM) – This week we look at five referendum questions on this year’s ballot. Question 2 of this year’s referendum concerns research and development bonds. It says… “To utilize private and federal funding, obtained through a competitive process and matched at least one-to-one, for research, development and commercialization in Maine. Do you support a $25 million bond issue to provide “life science and biomedical technology, environmental and renewable energy technology, information technology, forestry and agriculture advanced technology, aquaculture and marine technology, composite materials and Public and private institutions that support innovation in targeted areas such as advanced materials and precision manufacturing. ? ” A yes vote on this question would result in $25 million in bonds being issued to public and private entities throughout Maine in a competitive process.
Secretary of State Shena Bellows said, “The question itself is very clear about which areas of research, development and commercialization in Maine’s public and private institutions will be supported, including life sciences, biomedical technology, and medical technology. “We emphasize support for technological innovation in target areas such as,” he said. Environmental and renewable energy technology, information technology, advanced technology in forestry and agriculture, aquaculture and marine technology, composite materials and advanced materials, and precision manufacturing.
The bond question, like Question 2, begins in Congress and goes through a lengthy process. “Congress often proposes a variety of borrowing plans to fund infrastructure priorities, making it a very competitive process, which results in public hearings,” Bellows said. , interest groups, organizations, and businesses can testify for or against the bond issue. Next, there are committee votes by the Appropriations and Jurisdiction Committees, and finally by the House and Senate. There will be a full vote in both chambers. So this is a question that has bipartisan support and support in both the House and the Senate.” We encourage you to familiarize yourself with each question before voting.
Question 2
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